Centrul de cercetare Analiza Discursului


The main research directions are:
- Discourse analysis
- Textual linguistics
- Communication sciences

The Discourse Analysis' Research Centre Suceava (CADISS), coordinated by Professor Vasile DOSPINESCU PhD and Professor Sanda-Maria ARDELEANU PhD concentrates its activity on a field of large interest and perspective for the scientific research, namely Language Sciences.

The research activity of the Centre members is materialised in the following activities and publications:
- The ANADISS biannual journal (ISSN 1842-0400, cat. C, CNCSIS, cod 856, www.litere.usv.ro/cadiss), published at the University Publishing House, Suceava, since 2006.
- The organisation of significant scientific manifestations (The Annual International Seminar “Text, discourse, communication”, which has triggered, since its first edition in 2006, the interest of several renowned specialists in the field of Language Sciences from Romania and abroad, benefiting from the financial support of the Romanian Board of Education ; round tables, workshops);
- The initiation, coordination and participation at important national and international projects, among which is worth mentioning the project of translating into Romanian the works of several French linguists, through a collaboration between the Armand Colin and Institutul European publishing houses, with the financial support of the French Embassy in Romania.

The fundamental research themes of the Centre are:
- Text, discourse, communication
- Intertextuality and linguistic creativity
- Corpus linguistics
During 2005-2013, the research activity of the Centre will be organised around the following themes which have a major interest for the development as well as for the integration of the Romanian scientific community into the international one:
- Political communication and discourse
- The semiotics of didactic discourse
- Didacticity in mass-media discourse
- The semiotics of media discourse
- Linguistic imaginary

Concerning the regional and international expectations and impact, it can be appreciated that the scientific activity of the CADISS members is directed towards a number of interdisciplinary fields, extremely significant for the current academic life, as well as towards the promotion of constant collaborations with specialists and similar research centres from the international academic communities (Discourse Analysis Centre from Rouen, University of Paris XIIe, University of Montpellier III, University of Bordeaux, University of Toulouse - France, University of Montreal, Sherbrooke University - Canada) with a view to successfully implement and valorise the results of investigating Discourse Analysis in the public space (politics, administration, media).

SCIENTIFIC PRODUCTION                                   Foto

Head of the research team:
Professor Vasile DOSPINESCU, PhD Phone: 0230/216147 int. 119
E-mail: vasile_dospinescu@yahoo.fr
Professor Sanda-Maria ARDELEANU, PhD Phone: 02307 216147 int. 521
E-mail: sanda_ard@yahoo.com

prof. dr. Vasile DOSPINESCU – vasile_dospinescu@yahoo.fr
prof. dr. Sanda-Maria ARDELEANU – sanda_ard@yahoo.com
prof. dr. Rodica NAGY –  rodinagy@yahoo.com
conf. dr. Ionel CORJAN – iccorjan@yahoo.fr
conf. dr. Evelina GRAUR – evelyn@eed.usv.ro
conf. dr. Simona-Aida MANOLACHE – simona@usv.ro
lector dr. Raluca-Nicoleta Balaţchi – ralika2@yahoo.fr
lector dr. Monica BILAUCĂ – monicabilauca@yahoo.com
lector dr. Valentina Romica DASCĂLU – valentinadascalu@litere.usv.ro
lector dr. Nicoleta-Loredana MOROŞAN – nicomorosan@yahoo.fr
lector dr. Monica TIMOFTE – monikatmf@yahoo.com
lector drd. Carmen Constantina AGOUTIN – carmenagoutin@litere.usv.ro
lector drd. Iuliana APETRI – ibicor@yahoo.fr
lector drd. Daniela LINGURARU – danilinguraru@hotmail.com
lector drd. Mariana Şovea – mxsovea@yahoo.com
asist. drd. Ioana-Crina COROI – crinacoroi@yahoo.fr
asist. drd. Corina IFTIMIA  - iftimiacorina@yahoo.fr
asist. drd. Petru MARIAN ARNAT – marian_petru@yahoo.com
asist. drd. Cristina STANCIU – cristinastratila@yahoo.fr