Universitary Laboratory of Advanced Manufacturing Technologies for Metal Cutting

The laboratory is involved in technical and scientific research for the industrial field including the whole product development cycle, beginning with the very concept of the product and its designs, throughout its prototyping, till production planning and automation and it is also preoccupied in establishing contacts with different kind of national or international partners (universities, firms, scientific research centers, CAD/CAM/CAE software providers, et. others). The laboratory activities are the ones related to the manufacturing of mechanical components including process and component design, mechanical systems design, metal cutting technologies, modern processes and techniques, elaboration of CNC programs for different kinds of components, product development, product life cycle management and maintenance of manufacturing and production systems.  It also assumes important tasks in developing new representations and mathematical models and process analyses for different metal cutting manufacturing processes.

The initiative for establish this laboratory dates from 1990 when in The University of Suceava develops its first doctoral studies. Till then, an important number of research projects with national and international partners were realized. The main areas of theoretical and experimental researches of the laboratory’s staff referred to the modeling, optimizing and analyzing of the high speed machining processes (turning, milling and drilling). We have a great partnership with an local branch of a Belgian firm, SC SIDEM SRL, with which we did some experimental studies regarding the possibilities of obtaining smooth surfaces by high speed turning of treated steels.

Over the last years the laboratory was equipped with the last generation equipments that can allows us to overcame even the most up-to-date expectations in the area of  mechanical control and dynamic analysis of the cutting processes, measure different process variables, virtual manufacturing engineering design, CNC machining. The experience that we have in the field of CAD, CAM and CAE is certified by our partnership with Siemens ADA Computers. We have been their ambassador in the since 2006.

Apart from its responsibility to its students, the department also plays a positive role in advancing local industry as being involved in research, training and technology transfer, in the scope of modern production. In concordance with the need of the manufacturing environment to overcame the client expectations, we effort to satisfy their need to exploit developing technologies, advanced manufacturing processes and significant practical `hands on´ experience with commercial-level software and CNC programming skills.  The main goal of the laboratory is to to provide inter-disciplinary knowledge, attributes and skills necessary for applying the principles of advanced manufacturing systems within the manufacturing industry. Based on the competence and experience of the laboratory’s staff and its specific research equipments we have the capabilities required to devise and develop innovative and cost-effective manufacturing solutions and also offer manufacturing performance analysis, system optimization and product design.
One of the main objectives of this project is related to the affiliation of the national researches from the field of advance manufacturing to the European research community, by forming a team with interests in this area, technological transfer to the industry and by establishing partnership with international laboratory and research centers with similar activities.

-  Institut National des Sciences (INSA Lyon) Lion- France;
-  AGH University of Science and Technology Krakovia - Poland;
-  Instituto Politécnico de Lisbon - Portugal;
-  Katholicke Hogeschool Gent - Belgium;
-  Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 – France;
-  Fa. KUKA Roboter Augsburg –Germany

Professor Dumitru AMARANDEI, PhD, Eng., Head of the research team.
Phone/Fax : +40 2302160147/ 203;
Mobile: +40 7451760426
E-mail: mitica@fim.usv.ro

Scientific consultants
Professor Romeo IONESCU, PhD, Eng.
Professor Ilie MUSCA, PhD, Eng.
Professor Mihai GRAMATICU, PhD, Eng.
Professor Nicolae BANCESCU, PhD, Eng.
Prof. Mircea Ciobanu, PhD, Eng.
Prof. Lucian Severin, PhD, Eng.
Conf. Costel Mironeasa, PhD, Eng.
Constantin FILOTE, PhD, Eng.
Calin CIUFUDEAN, PhD, Eng.
2 Ph. D students

Permanent Staff
Assistant Aurel CAZACU, Eng.
Assistant Iulian CAZACU, Eng.
Assistant Dumitru NADEJDE
2 students

-  VICTOR -55 vertical milling machine;
-  3-Component Dynamometer Kistler 9257B;
-  Roughness measuring instrument Perthometer M2;
-  2D measuring instrument Digimar Cx2;
-  Portable measuring instrument for temperature Testo 845;
-  Optical metallographic microscope with digital camera;
-  Different measurement instruments with USB connections;