Facultatea de Silvicultură

Main page: http://www.silvic.usv.ro


The Faculty of Forestry offers 4-year Undergraduate programmes, 1.5-year M.Sc. degree programmes and Doctoral programmes.
Undergraduate programmes cover the subject area- Forestry with programmes in Forestry, in full time (4 years) and distance learning (4 years). The students are trained to become forest engineers with complex qualifications in land measurement and remote sensing, forest ecosystem management (e.g. dendrology, ecology, silviculture, entomology, hunting, etc.), wood harvesting technologies and primary wood-using industry, techniques for ecologic reconstruction and watershed management, as well as in forest economy and legislation.
Since 2010, the Faculty of Forestry also offers 3-year Undergraduate programmes in Ecology and Enviromental Protection.
The two Master's degre programmes implemented by the faculty are targeting, on the one hand, the Conservation of Biodiversity and Forest Certification, and on the other hand, the Management of Wood Harvesting and Wood Processing Activities. Students from Master's degree programmes participate in three Erasmus projects regarding innovation in forest sector.
The scientific activity of the Faculty has recently been enhanced by the participation of staff in international and national research projects. The Faculty is involved in two COST Actions, it is partner in the Project Centre INNOFORCE, participated in FP6 project (GoFOR) and gained a FP7 project.
The National Forest Administration (RNP-Romsilva), the National Research Institute (ICAS) and the Faculty of Forestry and Forest Engineering of Transylvania University -Braşov are traditional partners supporting our didactic and research activities. On an international level, the Faculty of Forestry Suceava participates in the Silva network of forest educational institutes and co-operates with several European and North-American Faculties and Institutes of Forestry.
The Faculty of Forestry has continuously improved its technical resources, especially as a result of the active involvement in research projects. Up to date instruments for land measurements (total stations, GPS, automatic level, etc.), professional equipment centres and tree measurement instruments (Field Map Inventory System, Digital Calliper, Electronic Hypsometer, etc.) are just a few examples showing the modernisation process carried out within the Faculty. Furthermore, our laboratories are equipped with didactic resources (e.g. herbariums, samplings of wood essences, insectariums, collections of rocks and minerals, hunting trophies, etc.) and several experimental units for field training and didactic purposes.