Departamentul pentru Pregatirea Personalului Didactic

The Teacher Training Department, constituted under the general frame of the University, is a specialized institution for didactic professionalization.
The Teacher Training Department currently provides the following types of activities:
1.Initial training for the future career of students and university graduates. This psycho-pedagogical programme includes two levels:
• The first level (initial level) – gives the graduates the right to occupy the didactic positions of teaching in the obligatory secondary education;
• The second level (advanced study) – gives the graduates the right to occupy the didactic positions of teaching in high school and higher education.
Students may attend the courses of the second level only after having graduated from the courses of the first level.
2.Continuing education and teacher training -by means of teacher training programmes / periodical training (such as PAIDEIA and "Quality and efficiency in rural education" PHARE Project), and the organization of training courses for teachers in secondary education who intend to apply for didactic certifications.
3. Professional counselling
4. Psycho-pedagogical counselling