Instrumental Analysis Laboratory


By its highly performing logistics, highly qualified staff, as well as its management, the laboratory contributes to observance and compliance with European standards in the food field. As part of the laboratory, covering all problems of food analysis, university and post university training activities, research activities as well as services to the economical environment are carried out. The laboratory main goal resides in its contribution to implement the quality assurance, control and management system into the food production- distribution- consumption chain, aiming mainly to provide population's food safety.


  • contribution to increase university and post university training quality according to European standards, to acquire fundamental knowledge in the food field;
  • contribution regarding the quality increase of advanced research within the Food Engineering Faculty in order to establish performing partnerships in internal and international scientific projects;
  • research on environment impact as a result of food production and consumption as well as of food waste, establishing specific measures on environment protection;
  • contribution and research on the study of packaging-food-environment interaction;
  • research on synthetic sweeteners;
  • research on aflatoxins;
  • research on  Bio-fuels;
  • research on the performance increase in instrumental analysis of heavy metal traces in food products;
  • the approach of the Food Engineering Faculty to the economical environment by carrying on an ample activity of training, specializing, counselling, technical expertise and disemination of the results obtained by the laboratory;
  • transfer of research results within the food products field to the economical and social environment.



High Performance Liquid Chromatograph (HPLC)
LC-10ADVP  Shimadzu.
Highly performing modular apparatus equipped with quaternary pump, diode-array, fluorescence, refractometer, polarimeter, electrochemical, autosampler detectors and data acquisition and processing soft. The chromatograph has an ISO 90001 certificate and model approval from the Romanian Office of Legal Metrology.
Gas Chromatograph with mass spectroscope 
(GC-MS) QP 2010 -  Shimadzu.
Highly performing mass detector QP 2010  -equipped apparatus with classical ionization standard with electronic impact (EI).
The chromatograph allows applications both in classical chromatography

(I.D. = 0.25 mm and 0.32 mm), wide-bore columns chromatography (I.D. = 0.53 mm) and fast chromatography (very narrow columns chromatography I.D. = 0.1 mm).


21 inventions, 3 books and 12 papers published, 4 research grants, participation in 8 scientific sessions, organization of a scientific session, carrying out of an invention proposal . Scientific research awarded by Euroinvent 2010: 2 Gold Medals, 1 Silver Medal.


Laboratory of Enzymes et Derivates Romania, Institute of Food Bioresources Romania, University of Hohenheim(Germany), Gh.Asachi University of Iasi, Yurii Fedkovici University, Chernivtsy - Ukraine, Techniche Universitate Aalen-Germany, Hohenheim University Germany, Genencor- Danisco Netherlands, Platform for biofuels, BIOCARO Romania. 


High Performance Liquid Chromatograph

Gas Chromatograph with mass spectroscope

Electronic Balance

Gas Chromatograph with FID-ECD detectors


Professor Gheorghe GUTT, PhD, Eng. - Head of the research team
Phone: 0230/216147 int.215 ; E-mail:


Professor Sonia GUTT, PhD, Eng.
Assistant Amelia BUCULEI, Eng.
Assistant Silviu STROE, Eng.