Facultatea de Educaţie Fizică şi Sport

Main page: http://old.usv.ro/fefs


The Faculty of Physical Education and Sport provides 3-year Undergraduate programmes in:
• Physical and Sport Education
• Kinetotherapy and Special Motricity and a 2-year Master's Degree programme: Pshysical education in schools and extracurricular activities. The two undergraduate programmes provide the students with the basis of physical and physio-pathological education science for the evaluation of human motor functions,in relation to both the population and specific groups (people with disabilities, elderly people and professional athletes), by helping the students acquire the necessary notions with a view to rehabilitating motion functions, of maintaining and recovering physical performance and for the promotion of health through motion. Although the programme-specific subjects are prevalent, other fundamental subjects (such as the medico-biologic and social ones) and complementary subjects (foreign languages) complete the students' instruction with information on the social implication of physical exercise, on the human organism and its relation to the social and natural environment. The degree ensures the right to conduct activities in the fields of physical and sport education within public or private structures, sports organizations, recreational or social associations. The graduates may organize and direct specific activities which require special attention in various sport fields, may supervise physical activities for people with locomotion-related disabilities. The graduates will possess solid knowledge on the special techniques and methods necessary in the various domains of sports. The main objective of these programmes is that of ensuring the specialized instruction required in the field of physical education, sport and kinetotherapy, with a view to enhancing the level of professionalism and proficiency in accordance with EU requirements.

By means of its activity, the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport at Suceava University aims to contribute to:
• training and improving highly qualified human resources;
• developing science in the field of physical education, sports, kinetotherapy, physical culture in general;
• promoting modern information and methodological trends in the field of physical education and sports;
• sports science and other subfields of specific knowledge joining in the assertion and development of good practices in contemporary society.

• a synthetic turf athletic field provided with a presostatic balloon and lighting system, handball, tennis, basketball, volleyball courts, a football field, and a running track;
• a gymnasium with bodybuilding equipment;
• a modern gym with tennis, basketball, handball, and volleyball courts;
• a Swimming and Kinetotherapy complex;
• a laboratory of bio-medical sciences;
• a laboratory for motion and functional evaluation;
• 2 lecture halls;
• 2 seminar rooms;
• a multimedia laboratory.

The Suceava University Sports Club was founded at the Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava; it deals with training sportsmen participating in official competitions. Here are some of the sport performers of our club: the men's handball team (participant in the National Leaque), Sireteanu Alin (athletics, silver medal at the National University Championship), Dovalciuc Dănut (participant in the winter Olympic Games, Torino 2006, two-man bobsleigh event), Conache Tiberiu (member of the youth national rugby team), Tcaciuc Ioan, Ciubotariu Florin Rohozneanu Dan Mihai (members of the youth national handball team). We also take great pride in many of our graduates who gained worldwide recognition for their excellence: Gabriel Udisteanu (volleyball), Mihai Mironiuc (Handball), Doina Melinte (athletics), Ilie Matei (wrestling), Florin Ciubotaru, Mihai Rohozneanu, Alin Sania (members of the national handball team).