Faculty of Food Engineering

Main page: http://www.fia.usv.ro


The Faculty of Food Engineering offers Undergraduate, Postgraduate (Master’s Degree and other Postgraduate modules) and Doctoral programmes. The 4-year Undergraduate programmes, full time, are the following:
• Food Products Engineering;
• Food Products Control and Expertise;
• Engineering and Management in Public Alimentation and Agrotourism.
The Master's degree programmes (full time) are:
• Food Products Control and Expertise (2 yrs)
• Food Product and Environmental Quality Management(1.5 yrs)
• Hygiene Management, Food Quality Control and Population Health (2 yrs)
• Education Management for Environmental Protection and Food Hygiene (1.5 yrs)
Other Postgraduate modules:
• Food Production Safety (240 classes (hrs)/60 credits),
• Environmental Management (240 classes (hrs)/60 credits).
The Doctoral degree programmes are in the subject area of Material Engineering. We also provide training programmes for teachers in secondary education ('definitivat'- permanent teacher certification, 'gradul 1'- 1st degree and 'gradul 2'- 2nd degree certification) in the following subject areas: Food Products Engineering, Food Products Control and Expertise.
The different degrees ensure the acquisition of information required in the fields of processing and control of food products quality, as follows: quality control of raw materials, processing technologies, food packing, preservaton, food products storage and transport.
The objectives of the Faculty of Food Engineering are:
• ensuring the development of all the necessary skills for processing and control of food product quality, food safety, food products expertise, research-designing activities;
• providing the graduates with the possibility of undertaking sanitary-veterinary and customs control activities, environment and consumer protection activities;
• developing research activities in the fields of functional foods and food biotechnologies, in order to discover new sources of raw materials for food production;
The resources supporting scientific research include high-quality equipment and facilities in laboratories such as: Instrumental Analyses Laboratory, Food Product Quality Control Laboratory, Bio-Fuels Laboratory, Microbiology Laboratory, Quality Control for Cereals and Bakery Products Laboratory and Biochemistry Laboratory. The research results are promoted and evaluated in "Food Safety", the Faculty research center.
The main research subject areas are:
• Foods biotechnologies;
• Biosensors;
• Bio fuels;
• Food microbiology;
• Food safety and toxicology;
• Ecology and environment protection;
• Food product statistical cOntrol;
• Agrotourism and rural development.
National and International Events:
The staff of the Faculty of Food Engineering organize research conferences, symposia and workshops for staff as well as students, training activities for adults etc.
A part of the activity of our research team has been presented at national and international conferences as follows:
• "Impact of economic activities and urban agglomerations upon the water quality of Siret River” International Conference, funded by “Complex Monitoring System of Water Quality in Cross Border Hydrographic Basin of Siret River” PHARE CBC Project
• "Biotechnologies – Present and Perspectives” International Symposium;
• "The influence of climate changes on the quality of vegetable raw material” Workshop;
• Workshops with national or regional food product processors: “Functional Foods”, “Organic Foods and Food Security” and “Bukovina on international travel tours”, etc.
• "Water Management- Technology, Monitoring and Legislation" Workshop, etc.
International Relations
The staff collaborate with other institutions in national and international partnerships, such as the "Pollution Prevention in Natural Cross-Border Rivers from Prut River Basin" research project, together with Yuri Fedkovici National University in Chernivtsi, Ukraine. Other partnerships include those with: Techniche Universitate Aalen - Germany, Genencor-Danisco –Netherlands, Kansas State University USA, The College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Iowa State University of Science and Technology - USA, Escola Superior de Biotecnologia - Porto, Portugal, Technical University of Moldova, Biofuel Platform BIOCARO – Romania, Enzymes & Derivates Laboratory Romania, Institute of Food Bioresources - Romania.