Faculty of Educational Sciences

Main page: http://www.fsed.usv.ro


The Faculty of Educational Sciences offers 3-year Undergraduate programme in the subject area- Sciences of Education: Pre-School and Primary Education Pedagogy.
The Faculty of Educational Sciences with a programme in Pre-School and Primary Education Pedagogy provides initial professional training for the elementary school teachers for pre-school and primary education, helping them acquire the abilities to take on the responsibilities of being promoters of local, regional and European scientific, social, cultural and spiritual values. Also, our institution aims at providing continuing education for the teaching staff in primary and pre-school education in Bukovina by offering courses for “definitivat” (permanent teacher certification) and “grad didactic II” (2nd degree certification), and new activities carried out to bring about innovation in the field of educational sciences in the Suceava area. The programme Primary and Pre-School Education Pedagogy puts forward a frame of assertion and development of education for the promotion of highly qualified specialists, preoccupied by their own continuing formation as specialists, but also by the harmonious shaping of the future teachers and by the support of the scientific research according to present-day quality standards, stimulation of culture of permanent and innovating education (according to lifelong learning principles).
Personal and professional abilities of the graduates cover self-knowledge and self-assessment, efficient communication, personal development planning, pedagogical analysis of instruction items, assessment and evaluation of students' behavior, pedagogical project-making, abilities of assessment and development of students' personality, managerial abilities specific to the education system.
The research activities cover subject areas such as the formation of communication skills of primary school pupils, stylistics and literary language, curriculum issues in the field of mathematics in the context of European integration, university pedagogy, values education, emotional education, sciences and the methodology of teaching sciences, parental education.
The tradition of the International Conference “Educational Sciences-Dynamics and Perspectives”, organized in Suceava, offers a context of sharing practical and research experience in the field.
International Relations
The Faculty of Educational Sciences is an open institution with cooperation projects with similar institutions of countries in the European Union (Spain, France, Ukraine, Turkey and Italy), as well as with NGOs.
The facilities of the Faculty include a multimedia laboratory and a laboratory of didactic technology, equipped with computers and modern technology.