Academic Senate

The Senate represents the academic community and is the highest decision and policy maker at University level and its activities are based on and governed by the University Charter, the national law of education, the Government resolutions and in compliance with the orders of the Ministry of Education.

The representatives of the tenured teaching and research staff account for 75% of the Senate, while the student representatives account for remaining 25%.

The Senate is presided over by a President elected through secret ballot by the members. The President of the Senate presides over the meetings and acts as the official representative of the committee in relation with the Rector.

The Senate can be summoned by the Rector or at the request of at least one third of the Senate members. The sessions of the academic Senate take place only in the presence of at least two thirds of its total number of members. The Senate decisions are made based on the votes cast by the majority of those present.


 Senate Decisions

 Members of the Senate of the University "Ştefan cel Mare" of Suceava

 Specialised Committees

 Documents of the Students' Council

 Report of the ASUS students' association on the compliance with the Student Conduct Statute provisions