USV_Study in Romania

Higher Education System. General Information.

Romania’s higher education landscape is very diverse and varied. It offers thousands of degree programmers provided in education and research institutions, universities, academies, conservatories and university colleges.
The higher education sector in Romania comprises 56 state higher education institutions and other 37 private.
In Romania, higher education system is administrated by the Ministry of National Education (MEN) functioning in keeping with current national legislation ( ), structured on 3 levels for undergraduate / postgraduate studies:

  • First cycle (licenţă) corresponding to bachelor degree;
  • 2nd cycle  (master) corresponding to master’s degree and specialization for medical studies ;
  • 3rd cycle (doctorat) corresponding to doctor’s degree.

Higher education in Romania has the following forms: regular studies, reduced frequency courses and Open Distance Learning.
In what concerns certification, there is a wide range of academic graduate and postgraduate diplomas and distinctions that one can obtain after studying in Romania:

  • Certificat de Studii – a certificate awarded to students who have completed their studies in higher education, but have failed to pass the get their degree;
  • Diplomă  de absolvire a unui colegiu – Diploma certifying the completion of studies at a college and passing of the relevant final exam;
  • Diplomă de licenţă – University diploma equivalent degree;
  • Diplomă de master – Master Diploma;
  • Diplomă de studii aprofundate -  Diploma of Advanced Studies;
  • Diplomă de doctor – Doctoral Diploma (Ph.D.). This is the highest academic degree awarded in all domains after 3-4 years of study and original research and requires the passing of examinations and the submission of an original thesis. The holder of a doctoral diploma is granted the Ph.D. title in the respective field of science or the arts;
  • Doctor Honoris Causa – an honorary degree awarded by the higher education institutions (by vote of the Senate) to Romanian and foreign prominent figures in science, technology and culture. It is also occasionally conferred, in recognition of specific merits, to outstanding national and international public figures.

International Recognition of Romanian Diplomas

            Romania signed the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in European Region (Lisabona 1996) and at the same time, it is part of the Bologna Process concerning the implementation of the Common European Higher Education area.
Through commitments assumed at the European level, focused on quality assurance, credit transfers and transparency of educational programmes description, qualifications (diplomas) obtained in the Romanian Higher Education ensured the academic and professional mobility of the graduates all over the world.
The Division of Cultural, Educational and Scientific Relations (DRCES) of the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) cooperates with MECTS in organizing educational exchanges and ensuring the foreign citizens the possibility to study in Romania.

    • EU citizens

Foreign citizens of the European Union member states and of the states belonging to the European Economic Space and of the Swiss Confederation, have access to all forms and levels of study under the same conditions with those stipulated by law for Romanian citizens, including the amount of tuition fees.
Candidates that have been admitted on a fee-paying place can subsequently accede to a free-of-charge place in the same circumstances as Romanian citizens, according to their academic performance and on the basis of university autonomy.
Candidates coming from these states submit their files directly to the universities.
The documents required for registering to a higher education institution must be translated into Romanian, authenticated to a public notary. The study diplomas must be recognized by the National Centre for Recognition and equivalence of Diplomas (CNRED) within MEN ( ).
Registration and admission exam shall take place directly at the chosen faculty according to its methodology.
Foreign students have to prove good knowledge of teaching language (Romanian), so that a language certificate is required.
If the candidates don’t know the language of study, they must attend the courses of the preparatory year.
The candidates who speak Romanian can skip the preparatory year after having passed a test of Romanian language. The list of the universities that organize the preparatory year can be found on the MEN website: .
The candidates who can formally prove that they have studied Romanian for at least four years consecutively, don’t need to pass the Romanian language test or to attend the preparatory year.

2.3. Non - EU citizens
            can study in Romania:
- 2.3.I – on their own expenses at Romanian state universities or private Romanian universities;
- 2.3.II – with scholarships;
II.1. – offered through bilateral co-operation agreements in force or through unilateral offers;
II.2. – offered by the Romanian state through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at Romanian state universities.

            2.3.I. Studies on the candidate’s own expenses
at Romanian state universities or private universities in foreign languages (if the chosen university offers this educational options) or in Romanian, with a supplementary preparatory year for learning the language (if the candidate doesn’t speak Romanian already).
The minimum tuition fee and the payment conditions for the self-paid studies for non-EU citizens are stipulated by the Romanian Government Decree no 22 / 29 August 2009.


crt.                  Faculty                                                          Full time   (EUR/month)

            Bachelor and Master studies

1.         Physical Education and Sports                                                        270
2.         Food Engineering                                                                            270
3.         Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences                              270
4.         History and Geography                                                                   220
5.         Letters and Communication Sciences                                             220
6.         Forestry                                                                                           270
7.         Economic Sciences and Public Administration                               220
8.         Education Sciences                                                                        220
9.         Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics and Management             270

Doctorate Level
Technic/ Forestry                                                                              290           
Philology/Economics/Human Sciences                                            240

Preparatory Year                                                                               220

            Tuitions fees must be paid in advance for a period of 9 months, irrespective of the date when the student starts the courses.
Documents required for application:

For Bachelor level:

2.  Copies translated into Romanian and legally certified  copies of the following documents
a) High-school graduation diploma (baccalaureate diploma or its equivalent)
b) Transcript of Records for high-school studies
c) Birth certificate
d) Marriage certificate (if it is the case)
3. Medical certificate attesting the candidate does not suffer from infections, diseases or other illness that are incompatible with future profession; the certificate must be delivered by a
doctor and must be signed and stamped. If it is not written in English, a certified translation is
4. Legally certified Passport copy (passport valid at least 6 months after the issuance of the Acceptance letter)
5. Four passport-size photographs
6. Syllabus (analytical curriculum) – in case of candidates who apply for equivalence of periods of studies.


For Master level:

2. Copies and translated into Romanian and legally certified  copies of the following documents
a) High-school graduation diploma (baccalaureate diploma or its equivalent)
b) Bachelor’s Degree Diploma
c) Transcript of Records for high-school and bachelor studies
d) Birth certificate
e) Marriage certificate (if it is the case)
3. Medical certificate attesting the candidate does not suffer from infections, diseases or other illness that are incompatible with future profession; the certificate must be delivered by a doctor and must be signed and stamped. If it is not written in English, a certified translation is needed.
4. Legally certified Passport copy (passport valid at least 6 months after the issuance of the Acceptance letter)
5. Four passport-size photographs
6. Syllabus (analytical curriculum) – in case of candidates who apply for equivalence of periods of studies.

For Ph.D. Studies:
1. Application form for issuing the Letter of Acceptance to Studies, all rubrics filled in entirely - 2 originals, available at the address:

2. Copies and translated into Romanian and legally certified copies of the following documents
a) High-school graduation diploma (baccalaureate diploma or its equivalent)
b) Bachelor’s Degree Diploma and Master Degree Diploma (if it is the case)
c) Transcript of Records for bachelor and master studies
d) Birth certificate
e) Marriage certificate (if it is the case)
3. Medical certificate attesting the candidate does not suffer from infections, diseases or other illness that are incompatible with future profession; the certificate must be delivered by a doctor and must be signed and stamped. If it is not written in English, a certified translation is needed.
4. Legally certified Passport copy (passport valid at least 6 months after the issuance of the Acceptance letter)
5. Four passport-size photographs

On their arrival at Stefan cel Mare University, they should submit the original documents.


Enrollment Conditions
Foreign citizens can enroll at Ștefan cel Mare University based on:
-  the Letter of Acceptance issued by the Ministry of National Education;
- passing the skill tests organized by Ștefan cel Mare University (for Sport and Science education fields);
- passing the admission contest for Ph.D. studies;
The Letter of Acceptance is issued on the basis of the application documents sent to our university.

When registering, the candidates will present the documents from the Application file, in original, certified for authentication by the Embassy of Romania to the issuer country or endorsed with the Hague apostille, if the previous studies were not completed in Romania, in a European Union country or in accordance with the legal assistance agreements signed between Romania and third countries.

The courses are taught in Romanian language, so, the candidates have two possibilities:

1. to prove that they are proficient in Romanian by submitting a Romanian Language Proficiency Certificate;
2. to enroll for the Preparatory Year of Romanian Language and Civilization available for foreign students at the Faculty of Letters and Communication Sciences. This means that they will study Romanian language for an entire academic year, before the undergraduate studies.

The Letter of acceptance together with the specific documents requested for getting a visa will be presented to the Consular section of the Romanian Embassy in the state of origin to get a long-term study visa.
Admitted candidates must send to our university, no later than 15 September, the following documents:

  • a declaration attesting that the candidate agrees to be registered as student at Ștefan cel Mare University;
  • the prove of the payment of the study fee;


2.3.II.  Studies on scholarships.

II.1. – Scholarships offered through bilateral co-operation agreements in force or through unilateral offers.

            The scholarships offered by the Romanian state in keeping with bilateral documents in force or with unilateral offers made by Romania to other states are administrated by MEN– the general Directorate for International Relations and European Affairs.


            II.2. - Scholarships offered by the Romanian state through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (based on the Government Decision no 288 / 1993) at Romanian for the 2014 – 2015 academic year.

            The Romanian state grants 85 scholarships through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Department of Cultural, Educational and Scientific Relations (DRCES) to foreign students, irrespective of their level of study, by means of selection of files organized by MAE and MECTS in keeping with current regulations.
Scholarships are granted for three categories of students:

  • a – first cycle (licenţă);
  • b – 2nd cycle (master);
  • c – 3rd cycle (doctorate).

Candidates’ files are submitted to the Romanian diplomatic missions abroad or to the diplomatic missions accredited to Bucharest of the countries of origin, generically referred to as diplomatic missions.
The scholarships obtained through the selection process offer:

  • tuition free access to education;
  • a monthly amount which represents:

- the equivalent in Romanian currency of 65 EUR per month, for undergraduate students;
-the equivalent in Romanian currency of 75 EUR per month, for post-graduate students (master degrees and specialization);
- the equivalent in Romanian currency of 85 EUR per month, for post-graduate students (doctor’s degree)
These scholarships don’t cover other personal expenses or international and local transport. The scholarships will be suspended if the student in any education cycle repeats a year due to poor results. It may be resumed in the following academic year, after the student has successfully graduated the repeated year. The students who repeat an academic year must pay the full study fees.
The scholarship can only be received for a number of years corresponding to the respective education cycle.
Depending on availability, the accommodation of foreign scholarship owners will be mainly ensured in university hostels, according to the policy of the respective higher education institution. Accommodation costs are provided for from the state budget, through the budget of MEN.

The candidates will submit two copies of complete files only to the diplomatic missions of Romania abroad or to the diplomatic missions of their countries of origin accredited to Bucharest. The first file will contain the authorized copies and translations of the requested documents and the second the simple copies thereof.
Any files submitted directly by the candidates to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, or to the Division of Cultural, Educational, Scientific Relations of the MAE or to the Ministry of National Education are not taken into account.
If the relevant documents are in other foreign language than English or French, they must be accompanied by authorized translations in one of the following languages: Romanian, English or French.
The file with the original documents presented personally by the successful candidate for the actual enrolment to Romanian higher education institutions must contain all documents accompanied by authorized copies and authorized translations into Romanian language.
Application files for the  2014 – 2015 academic year must be registered at DRCES / MAE no later than the 15th February 2014, irrespective of the diplomatic missions of origin. In this respect, for the files sent by the Romanian embassies abroad, it is necessary to consult in advance the schedule of the diplomatic courier.
The diplomatic missions receiving the application files must:

  • check that the MAE and MEN application forms are filled in correctly;
  • ensure that the applicant keeps a copy of the signed application forms;
  • send the complete files, containing all documents stipulated in the methodology;
  • send the graduation diploma or a certificate that the applicant has graduated high school, if applicable;
  • send in due time to DRCES the confirmation that the successful candidate will use the scholarship granted by the Romanian state for which he / she applied.

Once the files registered with MAE – DRCES, they cannot be completed with other documents, except for the copy of the graduation/certificate in case the candidates attend a terminal year of studies.
Incomplete files are not taken into consideration and will not be submitted to the MAE selection board. Rejected application files are not returned. DRCES does not receive any application files for the MAE scholarships after the announced deadlines. All candidates interested to study in Romania can apply directly on their own expenses, by submitting a new file according to the instruction at item I above.

            List of documents necessary for the application file:

  • Cover letter issued by the diplomatic mission of the country of origin accredited to Bucharest or of the Romanian Embassy in the respective country, containing the following:
  • Specification of the scholarship scheme for which the candidate applies, i.e. “scholarships offered by the Romanian state through MAE”;
  • The candidate’s full name;
  • Comments on the candidate or his / her activity if the case may be;
  • A list of all documents contained in the file.
  • MAE form (ANEXA 1)
  • MEN form (ANEXA 2)for the Letter of Acceptance to study in Romania. In case the applicant’s file is selected by the MAE and MEN selection boards, MEN issues and sends to the applicant form dully filled in. The Letter of Acceptance is sent to the candidate through MAE – DRCES and must be produced upon registration at the university and when applying for the long stay visa.
  • The document attesting the last cycle of education graduated (graduation diploma) in authorized copy and authorized translation. In case the candidate is still enrolled in the last year of pre-university studies, the file must contain a certificate and its authorized translation, stating that the respective candidate will have the graduation exam at the end of the 2013 – 2014 academic year, specifying the date when the diploma is issued. In case the file is selected, the candidate must present to the diplomatic mission the following:
  • the confirmation that he / she will use the scholarship;
  • the authorized copy of the graduation diploma and its authorized translation, or, as the case may be, the copy of the certificate attesting that he / she has graduated, mentioning the date the diploma will be issued.

The original diploma or the original certificate will have to be produced together with all original documents when the candidate enrolls personal in the Romanian system of education. The candidates who choose the post-university study schemes must submit all the diplomas and study certificates obtained previously.

  • Diploma supplement transcript (authorized copy and authorized translation);

Graduates of the pre-university system applying to study in the Romanian higher education system will produce the authorized copy of the diploma supplement transcript of the last school cycle, i.e. high school or the previous years and for the first part of the 2013 – 2014 academic year.
In the case of candidates requiring recognition of partial studies (intermediate year) and the continuation of studies in Romania, the transcript of records must be accompanied by the authorized copy of the curriculum and its authorized translation for the partial studies performed so far.
Graduate candidates applying for postgraduate studies must produce authorized copies of all study documents at all university levels, Transcript of records / diploma supplement included.

  •  Birth certificate – authorized copy;
  • Passport – authorized copy;
  • Medical certificate attesting that applicant is not affected by any transmissible disease or by illness incompatible with the future profession;
  • The candidate’s CV;
  •  4 recent photos.

Evaluation and Letters of Acceptance
Application files will be thoroughly checked by DRCES and will be submitted to MAE and MEN selection boards. They will approve the list of accepted candidates, in accordance to the number of available scholarships, as well as a waiting list, in case some of the successful candidates give up the scholarship.
MAE selection board will meet between 15-20 March 2014. The files accepted by MAE selection board will be sent to MEN board. After its own analysis and selection, this board will issue a Letter of Acceptance to study in Romania, mentioning also the supplementary preparatory year compulsory for learning the Romanian language.
In case the candidate does not specify two options and the chosen university cannot offer a place, MEN may make another offer of university (same faculty), according to the availabilities of the Romanian higher education institutions. If letter of acceptance to study in Romania contains another equivalent offer, the candidates are free to reject it, in which case they can apply to study in Romania on their own expenses, in keeping with item I above.
The candidate will receive the original Letter of Acceptance to study in Romania from the diplomatic mission that submitted the file to MAE – DRCES, until 01 April 2014.
The diplomatic missions that submitted the candidates’ application files have to send to DRCES (by fax or e-mail):

  • The confirmation of each candidate’s decision to use the scholarship granted by the Romanian state through MAE for which he/she has applied ( until 30 June 2014);     
  • Where applicable, the copy of the diploma or of the authorized copy of the graduation education cycle, mentioning the date when the proper graduation diploma is issued     (until 15 August 2014).

If the diplomatic mission does not send out the applicant’s confirmation or if the file remains incomplete, the selection boards considers that the scholarship has been refused and it is automatically passed on to the next candidate on the waiting list.
The accepted candidates must come personally to register at the Romanian Ministry of National Education – Department of International Students, until 01 October 2014. They will have to present a file containing the following:

  • All the original documents from the application file;
  • The Letter of Acceptance to study (original and copy);
  • The Passport (original and copy) containing a valid study long stay SD-visa.

The scholarship holders will receive a Minister’s Matriculation Order to be presented upon registration at the university, together with the above-mentioned documents. Where teaching is offered only in Romanian, a supplementary preparatory year for learning the language will be required.

2.4.  Romanian citizens living abroad
If they want to complete their education with scholarships in a Romanian university, can apply to the Department for Romanians Abroad (DRP) and to the Ministry of National Education.
DRP scholarships are meant to support studies in Romania, to promote Romanian language, culture and civilization, to specialize young Romanians living abroad in their profession, as well as to sustain research on current topics such as the state, the dynamic and the evolution of the Romanian communities abroad.
Romanian citizens living abroad can study without DRP scholarship by applying directly to the university of their choice with an admission exam (selection of files or written exam). Studies are to be performed under the same conditions applied to other Romanian citizens: without paying the fees, if the qualify for budgeted places or by paying the same fees as other Romanian citizens.

                    2.5. Citizens from the Republic of Moldova, citizens of Romanian ethnic origin from neighboring countries and Diaspora.

            The methodology for the citizens from the Republic of Moldova, Albania, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Serbia, Ukraine and Hungary, as well as for the citizens of Romanian ethnic origin living abroad is posted on the website of the Ministry of National Education ( ) towards the end of May, beginning of June, every year.
Universities will also post the information as soon as they received it. Candidates are kindly asked to wait until the information is published / posted  ( ).
Citizens from the above mentioned countries have the following admission options:
I. Bachelor Studies:

  • candidates with a high school diploma from the Republic of Moldova
  • Can apply for a Romanian state scholarship according to the regulations comprised in the methodology.
  • Can take the admission exam and enroll directly to a chosen faculty. In this case, they will pay the same tuition fees as Romanian citizens.
  • candidates with a Romanian high school diploma
  • Can apply directly at the chosen faculty and take the admission exam in the session organized in July/September in order to get a financed place (within the limits of the scholarship number offered by the Ministry);
  • Can apply directly at the chosen faculty and pay the tuition fees on a yearly base. Tuition fees are the same as for Romanian citizens.


II. Master Studies

  • Citizens of Romanian ethnic origin from the Republic of Moldova, Romania’s neighboring countries and the Diaspora can apply and enroll directly at the chosen university in order to get a financed place (within the limits of the scholarship number offered by the Ministry);
  • They can also apply at the university and pay the tuition fees the same as for the Romanian citizens;


III. Doctoral Studies:
Citizens from the Republic of Moldova, Romania’s neighboring countries and the Diaspora follow the same admission procedures as Romanian students. For a list of required documents, please refer to the Methodology.